Graduate Employability Toolbox:
get ready for your next occupational venture
Employers want 'work-ready' graduates
We provide employability services for Occupational Psychology (OP) and Human Resource Management (HR) graduates. Many UK graduates are still entering the workplace with inadequate employability skills. Employability skills defines a range of soft and hard attributes and competencies that includes knowledge of the job and self-awareness.
Many graduate recruiters and businesses belive that graduates are not work-ready. Besides this, some graduates believe that their university experience has failed to prepare them adequately for the world of work. We help graduates in the following areas:
Academic coaching
Career advice
Work-ready assessments
Preparation for selection
Secure home and international work experiences
Practice psychometrics and Assessment Centre
Employability tools
Developing your employability skills is essential. Some of the most useful tools include those that raise your awareness of your persooanlity and ability, those that help to develop your skills, and interventions that provide opportunities for your to experience the advance methods organisations use to select staff.

Psychometrics and Self-assessments


Assessment Centres