Professional Practice Development: workshops, training, membership
Professional Practice Training Courses
We offer a range of training courses to suit the needs of those who manage and develop people. We deliver taught and online professional courses and workshops. Should you wish to join one of our courses below, please click on the 'Contact Us' button above. Whether you are a trained and experienced or not, we provide specific training to enable those working within the people assessment and develop profession to develop skills and competencies through our tailored-to-suit industry.

Assessment Centre Design and Delivery Training (1-day training course)

Situational Judgement Tests Training (I-day course)
BPS Occupational Test User Qualification: Ability and Personality

Competency-Based Interviewing (1-day training course)

Graduate Business Readiness Training Course

Coaching Conversation for Leaders course (1 - day training course + coursework)
Professional Practice Development Certificate + ProfPracticeLab membership
The 10-Session Professional Practice Development Certificate course is suitable for MSc graduates of occupational/business/work/organisational psychology. It is designed with the graduate in mind, who is keen to prepare for practice, and apply their knowledge of psychology in a real work setting, namely with the aim to develop and promote the wellbeing of people and organisations.
The course will enable early practitioners to develop specific knowledge and skills skills and knowledge, that is transferrable, and will enhance one’s employability. It will also provide opportunities for networking by connecting and working with professionals in industry.
ProfPracticeLab is a psychological and behavioral science consultancy, with a purpose of bringing unique practice and research experiences to practitioners-in-training (current or alumni) of the British Psychological Society or Association
for Business Psychology accredited programmes. The group offers pro-bono and piecemeal services to social enterprises, small businesses, and larger companies and
work to solve real-world problems. Most importantly, it enables members to strengthen and utilise skills concerned with identifying organisational problems and developing appropriate solutions.

BPS Occupational Test User: Assistant Test User (ATU), Test User Ability (TUA), and Test User Personality (TUP) Qualification (Taught and Online)
We deliver the BPS Occupational Test User qualifications: Assistant Test User (ATU), Test User Ability (TUA), and Test User Personality (TUP). Psychometric tests are used to assess personality type, intelligence, career interests, motivation and values.
Our Test User training courses will give you the knowledge and practical skills necessary to conduct psychometric tests fairly and effectively for the purpose of recruitment and selection, development, career coaching, talent management, outplacement, and team and organisational development.
Verified by the British psychological Society (BPS), these courses are internationally recognised and aligned with the standards of competence as per the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). Please click on this link for more information about our BPS Test User course. Click here to view more information about the course and access our Booking Form
We deliver taught courses mainly in the UK and Middle East. However, we can deliver worldwide.
Career Coaching Skills MasterClass (For Occupational and Business Psychologists)
Duration: 1 Day
Start: TBC
Location: Online
BOOK NOW! Cost: £160 (includes materials)
This MasterClass has a unique practical focus, breathing life into Coaching theory. It promises to provide coaches with the knowledge, understanding, and skills (including confidence) to level up their Careers Coaching and help coachees navigate their way around their career interests, and transform their careers.
The Career Coaching Skills MasterClass is delivered by Dr Michelle Hunter-Hill, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist who has worked with thousands of individuals and organisations to improve the workplace and career guidance.
Having worked for many years as a Career Coach, delivering coaching education, and designing coaching tools and interventions, Dr Hunter-Hill is passionate about providing coaches with the skills to effectively coach others to make the most of their talents.
Coaches will :
- Explore, develop, and evaluate their own coaching and facilitating skills
- Practice supporting people to make career transitions and succeed in the role they are in
- Draw on the GROW, TGROW, CLEAR, and WOOP coaching models for practice
- Practice using core coaching skills such as listening, questioning, values, and beliefs, empowering coachees , ethics and professional standards
- Understand the barriers to peak performance, and how to deal with it
- Formulate an action plan to improve their coaching skills

PSYCHOLOGY FOR BUSINESS (Managing Self and Others)
Duration: 2-Day
Dates: variable
Location: Online
BOOK NOW! Cost: £399 (includes materials)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to show you how psychology can be applied to business and occupational contexts. Using a range of psychological perspectives you will gain a solid understanding and skills to improve self, individual, team and organisational performance. The course will demonstrate how psychology can be used to improve your people management skills, particuarly in the context of recruiting and developing staff, and preparing them for organisational change.
Designed for line managers and supervisors, you will be provided with a comprehensive overview of management psychology to bring out the best in people, and yourself. This two-day course will help you explore your own strengths and areas for development, and those of others for the purpose of personal effectiveness and organisational success. This course will be ideal for those who manage people, performance, change, conflict, goal achievement, and teams.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
- disover how dispositional attributes such as personality can influence behaviour in the workplace
- identify your strengths and areas of development in relation to managing people
- identify your people management style
- apply psychological perspectives to assess, develop, and support people in the workplace
- develop an understanding of your level of emotional intelligence and mental toughness
- set SMART goals to improve your people management skills

Duration: 2 days
Dates: TBC
Location: Online
Cost: £320
COURSE DESCRIPTION: In our Assessment Centre (AC) Design and Delivery workshop, you will develop the skills required to run a successful assessment centre process to ensure that your organization is able to attract and retain the best talent. Our experienced team of Chartered Psychologists, who are the trainers acknowledge that AC’s are amongst the most effective tools to measure skill and future potential. The course will introduce you to best practice guidelines from the British Psychological Society and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, and it will demonstrate how you can apply this knowledge to your recruitment and selection processes to ensure that your approach is evidence and science-informed. We will also show you how to embed elements of the Equality Act 2010 into your AC design and delivery. The course will make use of a series of professional assessment processes, including role plays, group activities, psychometrics, and critical-thinking presentations and in trays enabling them to be used in the organisation that you are working with.
This Assessment Centre (AC) Design and Delivery workshop gives delegates the skills and knowledge to be able to design and deliver a robust, evidence-based and comprehensive assessment process. Designed by psychologists, the course places the individual learner at the centre of the learning process which means that the course is extremely interactive and practical.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
- Discuss the aim and purpose of an AC process
- Design an effective competence framework with comprehensive behaviour indicators
- Produce an assessment matrix to assess a range of competences
- Design and evaluate assessment activities
- List the benefits of assessment centers and sell the process others in their organization
- Distinguish between assessment and development centres.
- Describe how psychometric tools can be integrated into assessment centres
- Design a cost effective and comprehensive assessment process.

Duration: 1 - 2 days
Dates: variable
Location: Online
Cost: £399
COURSE DESCRIPTION: In our Business and Occupational Coaching Skills coach training course you will develop the attitudes and learn the skills of an effective business and occupational coach. Through continuous practice, observation and feedback, you will have the opportunity to become highly competent in this area.
The course will introduce you to a range of coaching models, and we will show you how they work so you will get ample opportunities to coach using them.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
- develop strong 1-2-1 interpersonal and communication skills
- practise using models such as GROW and CLEAR
- writing coaching contracts
- develop appropriate questions for each stage of the coaching session