Self Awareness and Personal Development Programme
The Self Awareness and Personal Development Course
- What does it mean to be self-aware , and developing yourself personally and professionally?
- How self-aware are you? Do you have a plan for your personal and professional development?
- What type of personality do you have? How can your personality influence your career interests?
Self-awareness concerns understanding who we are, our strengths and weaknesses, our drives and personalities, our habits and values. Developing an understanding of our own strengths, weaknesses, habits and values, can make us aware of the areas we would develop so we can maximise our existing skills.
Organisational leaders can also reap benefits by encouraging their employees’ to develop self-awareness, as this can help to identify the personal attributes their people have so they can be positioned correctly in the organisation. Additionally, it can result in the creation of tailored development packages that enable their people to develop core skills to address the shortages within the workforce.

Course content
This Self Awareness and Personal Development programme is designed to help individuals understand more about their emotions, personality, strengths, weaknesses, sense of worth, leadership style, level of assertiveness, conflict management, and occupational interestes. It will provide individuals with tools and strategies to create a personal development action plan, set realistic goals, using information gathered about self from a series of self-assessment tools.
Learners will understand what self-awareness and personal development is, and the importance of making time in their often busy schedules to engage in regular reflection and assess their own strengths, weaknesses and aspirations. Finally learners will understand that through being self-aware, and taking positive steps, they can positively impact on all areas of their life, particuarly occupationally, and effectively embrace change.

Areas Covered
- What is self-awareness and personal development?
- Reflective thinking and writing
- The Importance of reflection
- Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)
- Strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, interests, and needs (SWAIN)
- Confidence
- Self-esteem
- Setting SMART and SMARTER goals
- Adapting to change
- Assertiveness
Who Is the course for?
This Self Awareness and Personal Development is ideal for all levels of employees. It can also be used for those who are actively seeking work, and studying. Some organisations partner with us so they can offer places to their staff as part of an induction packgage for new employees.
The course is also ideal for use as an element of the new apprenticeship standards and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace.
No prior knowledge needed.
Typical Duration
20 hours
How It Works
This blended-learning course can be accessed on multiple platforms such as tablets, PCs and laptops. All you need is an internet connection. Learners simply log on to the TOPPI Blackboard Virtual Learning Site, and work their way through the course, attend live seminars, and engage with the scenarios that provide them opportunties to learn about themselves.
Learners are assessed at the end of the course by multiple-choice questions.
Learners will receive a TOPPI completion certificate, which is downloadable upon successfully finishing the course.