Our Psychologists and Behavioural Scientists

Dr Michelle Hunter-Hill

Chartered Psychologist, Behavioural Scientist and Coach, and Science Advisor.

As a dual-practitioner, Dr Hunter-Hill works between academia and private practice,  specialising in psychometric testing, coaching, wellbeing, and psychological safety, and exploring hidden and unconscious processes in the workplace. Besides this, Dr Hunter-Hill has a remarkable track record of designing high-quality talent solutions in the UK, Middle East and Caribbean. Dr Hunter-Hill also designs coaching training for students and staff, and provides consultation on how to create coaching cultures at work. Through use of evidence-informed approaches and research skills, she partners with individual and organisational clients to achieve their objectives.

Daniela Vieira

Business Psychologist, Consultant. BPS Test User,

As a qualified BPS Test User, Daniela is highly experienced in assessing and developing people using psychometric testing. Working with a diverse portfolio of projects across both private and public sectors, she works to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being.

As a co-facilitator of the BPS Test User course, she supports delegates with the practical elements of their Portfolio. Daniela provides mentoring and coaching services too..

Professional. Evidence-Informed. Trustworthy. Experienced.

There are many practices out there that offer similar services and products,  however, each practice has its own unique way of doing things. Each practice thinks different too. There is so much to be said about our unique corporate personality, which is made up of a mix of great people who are evidence-informed practitioners, researchers, and academics. We are a dedicated team of psychologists and people managers who work hard to ensure people develop, professionally. We aim to make our clients happy, and feel safe and well at work.